Author: Michael Donkor
publisher name: Picador
ISBN: 9781250305176
"Hold" is a poignant coming-of-age novel that unfolds between Ghana and London. The narrative follows Belinda, a diligent rule-follower who left her village to work as a housegirl in Kumasi. The story delves into her memories and explores her relationship with Mary, an irrepressible eleven-year-old housegirl-in-training who becomes like a little sister to Belinda.
Amma, another character in the story, is a straight-A student at an exclusive South London school. However, as she starts to exhibit challenging behavior, her Ghanaian parents decide to bring Belinda from Ghana to London to befriend Amma and serve as a positive influence. The novel explores themes of friendship, family, shame, and forgiveness, depicting the complexities of growing up and the need to balance tradition with the challenges of the modern world.