The book "Tia and Aaoki: Picture Day" tells the heartwarming story of two best friends, Tia and Aaoki. They share a special bond, dressing alike and styling their hair in matching ways. However, Tia faces a challenge when head lice outbreak occurs at school, causing her to worry about her precious afro hair. The story unfolds as Tia navigates this dilemma and explores themes of diversity, love, and inclusion.
- Author: Tiana-Rose Akoh-Arrey
- ISBN: 9781913674748
- Publisher: Conscious Dreams Publishing
The book "Tia and Aaoki: Picture Day" tells the heartwarming story of two best friends, Tia and Aaoki. They share a special bond, dressing alike and styling their hair in matching ways. However, Tia faces a challenge when head lice outbreak occurs at school, causing her to worry about her precious afro hair. The story unfolds as Tia navigates this dilemma and explores themes of diversity, love, and inclusion.This beautifully illustrat