New Caribbean Poetry: An Anthology

Author: Kei Miller

publisher name: Carcanet Press Ltd

ISBN: 9781857549416


book description

The anthology "New Caribbean Poetry" introduces and celebrates emerging and established poets from the Caribbean, including writers from Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and other regions. The editor, Kei Miller, aims to bring attention to the often-overlooked realms of both poetry and the Caribbean. The collection features the works of Christian Campbell, Loretta Collins, Delores Gauntlett, Shara McCallum, Marilene Phipps, Jennifer Rahim, Tanya Shirley, and Ian Strachan. These poets, moving beyond the influences of established figures like Scott, Walcott, Goodison, and Braithwaite, contribute to shaping a fresh and diverse identity for Caribbean poetry, rooted in poetic craftsmanship.