The Bridge Of Beyond

Author: Simone Schwarz-Bart

publisher name: NYRB Classics

ISBN: 9781590176801


book description

The Bridge of Beyond is an intoxicating tale set on the French Antillean island of Guadeloupe, offering a narrative of love, wonder, and the enduring legacy of slavery. Telumee, the protagonist, recounts her life story, drawing strength from the proud line of Lougandor women. The novel explores the complexities of life in a peasant community, the ecstasies of love, and the challenges of navigating domestic realities. Time unfolds unevenly in the midst of the island's madness, and Telumee, guided by the wisdom of her grandmother Toussine, learns to find happiness amidst adversity. Simone Schwarz-Bart's prose, enriched with Creole proverbs and lore, creates a lush depiction of the Caribbean landscape, making The Bridge of Beyond a masterpiece of Caribbean literature.