The Fanon Reader

Author: Frantz Fanon

publisher name: Pluto Press

ISBN: 9780745315607


book description

"The Fanon Reader," edited by Azzedine Haddour and featuring extracts from Frantz Fanon's major works, provides a comprehensive collection of writings by this key figure in postcolonial and cultural studies. Born in Martinique in 1925, Fanon passionately identified with Algeria's struggle for independence and became a leading voice in black liberationist writing. The book includes excerpts from important works such as "Black Skin, White Masks," "Studies in a Dying Colonialism," "Toward the African Revolution," and "The Wretched of the Earth." Haddour contextualizes Fanon's life and work and offers a summary of critical perspectives on his writings. This collection is valuable for students and scholars in various fields, including postcolonial studies, cultural studies, political theory, psychoanalysis, literary theory, and race studies.