The Interest ; How the British Establishment resisted the abolition of Slavery

Author: Michael Taylor

publisher name: Vintage

ISBN: 9781529110982


book description

The Interest by Michael Taylor provides a groundbreaking history of the abolition of slavery in Britain, challenging the traditional narrative of self-congratulation. In 1807, Parliament outlawed the slave trade in the British Empire, but the book reveals that for the next 25 years, over 700,000 people remained enslaved. This persistence was largely due to the powerful pro-slavery group known as the 'West India Interest.'

The narrative exposes the extensive support the 'Interest' received from various figures in the British establishment, who fought not to abolish slavery but to maintain it for profit. The Interest is a gripping and unflinching account that sheds light on one of Britain's darkest and most turbulent periods. It is a critical piece of history that challenges prevailing notions and offers a devastating exposé.