We are the Heirs of the World's Revolutions: Speeches from the Burkina Faso Revolution 1983-1987

Author: Thomas Sankara, Samantha Anderson

publisher name: Pathfinder Press

ISBN: 9780873489898


book description

The provided text captures quotes from Thomas Sankara, the leader of the revolution in Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. Sankara's speeches, as presented in this pamphlet, articulate the principles and goals of the revolution. He emphasizes drawing inspiration from the totality of human experiences and revolutions worldwide, including the American, French, and October revolutions.

Sankara's vision for Burkina Faso is outlined, highlighting the struggle against hunger, illiteracy, economic backwardness, and imperialist domination. The revolution aimed to establish a popular revolutionary government that addressed the needs of peasants and workers, challenging societal inequalities, and opposing the oppression of women rooted in centuries of class-based structures.